Discover the best version of yourself

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course
Connect to All That Is, discover your intuitive abilities
and remember your true greatness!
ThetaHealing® is a simple but comprehensive technique that allows you to make profound changes and create the life you really want.
The method was created in the 1990s by Vianna Stibal from the US, who used it to heal herself from cancer. Today it is a world renowned energy healing modality.
The method is based on the so called theta-state, a brainwave frequency known as the door to the subconscious mind that enables us to make deep changes. A guided visualization allows us to enter this meditative state, where we can readily access and communicate with the highest plane of existence. In this way, we can quickly track down limiting beliefs, programs and emotions on all levels and make positive changes, whether it be a physical ailment, lack of success, unfulfilled love or other blockages.
Next class: February 28th-March 2nd, 2025 online

ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Course
Take your skills to the next level
On this 3-day course you will go deeper into the theta brainwave, learn how to apply Advanced Theta Healing® techniques on yourself and others. Release many blocks to connecting to source energy, enabling you to facilitate more powerful and faster healings. Release resentments, rejections and regrets from your life and gain more clarity and awareness. Clear old vows, commitments and curses that hold you back. Receive hundreds of feeling ‘downloads’ that will bring profound healing and enlightenment. Gain an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. Take your journey to the next level of physical healing, emotional wellbeing and spiritual awakening!
Next class:

Dig Deeper - deep healings with confidence
“Dig Deeper” is a powerful, intensive 2 day workshop on using the digging technique. In this class, you will have an opportunity to gain an in depth understanding of one of the most important processes in ThetaHealing. The secret to a successful healing on yourself or others is in the digging process! This exceptional class will focus on clearing blockages around your ability to dig on yourself, your clients or others

ThetaHealing® You and the Creator
How do I know I am connected to the Creator? Knowing yourself deeply! This class was created to help you know yourself on a deep level. It will teach you the difference between all the different aspects inside of you. You will learn how to direct your mind to receive clear messages from the Creator.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper.
Next class: December 13th-15th 2025

Manifesting and Abundance
In this fun 2 day course you will discover how to supercharge your manifestations through ThetaHealing®, by combining all the tools and techniques you have learnt in our courses so far. You are now prepared to effortlessly clear the blocks to your success in all areas of your life. Allowing the law of attraction to work for you with ease and grace. Design your life by instantly clearing your fears, resentments, doubts and self-imposed limits to your abundance.
Decide what you truly want
Bring abundance into reality
Remove blocks to your abundance
Manifest while in a theta state

Discover ThetaHealing®
Learn how we create our lives, where our subconscious programs come from and how they can sabotage us. Understand the benefits of the theta brainwave and how it can be used to remove limiting beliefs and emotions.
Experience a powerful guided meditation to connect to the energy of creation.
In this free presentation where we discuss ThetaHealing®, a simple method designed by Vianna Stibal that can be used by anybody who wants to bring healing to their life and those of others and to unravel their true potential.

ThetaHealing® You and the Earth
Deepen your relationship with mother Earth, work with her energies through your own field and discover new ways to give something back to our beautiful planet!
Learn how you can influence the elements in a positive way and allow yourself to receive nurturing and healing from them.
Please note that this is an in person class.
Next dates:

ThetaHealing® DNA Rhythm to a Perfect Weight
Understand your relationship with your body and find your true inner beauty
This one-day seminar dives into the relationship we have with our body, especially programs around weight and body mass.
Next seminar:

ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy
Dive into the human body and deepen your understanding of how thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms interact. Take a magical journey through the realm of the body systems which will give your work a new depth and clarity.
We can only love that which we know. In this course, you get to know yourself in an intimate way and truly love yourself.
Next course: March 17th- April 4th 2025,
La Herradura, Spain.